Deluded Central Banks Launch a War They’ve Already Lost
Today we compare central bank-managed currencies to decentralized cryptocurrencies. Turns out there’s a major difference, and although it’s obvious it’s probably not what you think…
Today we compare central bank-managed currencies to decentralized cryptocurrencies. Turns out there’s a major difference, and although it’s obvious it’s probably not what you think…
With inflation at yet another 40-year high, we examine prospects for the Federal Reserve. Can Powell take down bitcoin along with the economy? Here’s why it doesn’t seem likely…
Market tourists buy based on historical prices with a “line go up” mindset – and may sell at any time for any reason. They enter the market as speculators, with the goal of trading their way to profits…
China, the Bank of England and El Salvador: three totally different takes on the current cryptocurrency market. When we compare them side-by-side, they tell an interesting story…
While the media are once again carving cryptocurrencies a gravestone, we turn our attention to current economic conditions and learn, once again, how investors can miss the forest for the trees…
Last year, I wrote that crypto went mainstream. It was a moderate approach on our part. In reality, crypto had been going increasingly mainstream for quite a while. regardless, it’s mainstream now, either way. I don’t think that point’s debatable any longer. Here’s what that means…
Sometimes, bear markets rattle even long-term investors. Today, we’re taking a look at some of the biggest names in crypto and see how they’re responding to the latest market action. And the answer may surprise you…
Let’s get one thing straight: 2018 was undoubtedly the toughest year for anyone but the truest believers in the future of crypto. Today, even to the most skeptical, things look just a tiny bit different…
They’re calling it the worst bear market since 2018, in terms of sentiment if nothing else. Fair comparison? Not really – in early 2018, crypto investors found themselves wondering whether the market would be wiped out completely…
The cryptocurrency marketplace is dynamic, always evolving, finding new and exciting ways to solve hard problems – and BitIRA keeps up! We’re thrilled to announce twice as many cryptocurrencies for your bitcoin IRA…