Cryptocurrency Allocation Engine
BitIRA offers no opinions or advice regarding how much, if any, of a customer's investment portfolio, retirement or otherwise, should be allocated to cryptocurrencies or which cryptocurrencies should be selected. The projections to be displayed are based on the rates of return and the initial investment amount (net of BitIRA or other transaction fees/costs) selected by you – i.e., the actual amount/value of cryptocurrencies purchased, exclusive of any transaction fees/costs charged. Such fees/costs, including BitIRA's transaction fee, will impact your overall rate of return, but are not factored into the performance projection. The default performance figures for conventional stock and bond investments are 10% and 4%, respectively, and do not include dividends or dividend reinvestment. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns and BitIRA makes no representation or guarantees regarding cryptocurrency or other investment performance.
Cryptocurrency Allocation Engine
Ending balance
With Cryptocurrency
Without Cryptocurrency
60/40 stock/bond allocation
Compare to other allocations
Change | Allocation | Ending Balance |
+10% | ||
+5% | ||
Your Selection | ||
-5% | ||
-10% |
*Remaining portion of portfolio split 60/40 between stocks and bonds.
BitIRA offers no opinions or advice regarding how much, if any, of a customer's investment portfolio, retirement or otherwise, should be allocated to cryptocurrencies or which cryptocurrencies should be selected. The projections displayed are based on the rates of return and the initial investment amount (net of BitIRA or other transaction fees/costs) selected by you – i.e., the actual amount/value of cryptocurrencies purchased, exclusive of any transaction fees/costs charged. Such fees/costs, including BitIRA's transaction fee, will impact your overall rate of return, but are not factored into the performance projection. The default performance figures for conventional stock and bond investments are 10% and 4%, respectively, and do not include dividends or dividend reinvestment. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns and BitIRA makes no representation or guarantees regarding cryptocurrency or other investment performance.
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